The NPL Football Academy (NPLFA) is delighted to announce that Mickleover Sports student Cameron Higgins is progressing onto university to study Community Coaching and Development.
Cameron joined the programme in 2015 at his local club Mickleover Sports and achieved an impressive MM grade in the Diploma over the last two years which has enabled him to enrol on at University.
“I will be attending the University of South Wales where I will be studying a Community Coaching and Development course as a foundation degree. There are many different units that I will completing discussing the different areas of coaching.
“Originally this course is just for the two years, however, I will get the opportunity to complete a third year in order to develop the foundation degree into a full one, as well as an extra year of valuable experience.
“Doing this course through Derby County as well as South Wales will prove valuable as Derby will be able to provide endless opportunities of experiences to coach different groups of players, which is what I am looking for, as well as opportunities to complete different coaching qualifications.” commented Higgins.
The young defender has his eyes set on a career in coaching and see’s this as an ideal pathway towards that goal. “As you can probably tell I am wanting to commit myself towards a coaching career within the near future. I’d like to see myself coaching within academies in a few years time as I have already met a few people on the same university course who have achieved this feat already. I would like to accomplish the same as them knowing this is a high level of coaching.”
Cameron has had huge success on the NPLFA programme and has won awards for his efforts over his time. “I have thoroughly enjoyed the two years I spent in the NPL Football Academy at Mickleover Sports collecting the Player of the Year in the first year and then Student of the Year in the second. I’ve learnt a lot, both in the classroom and on the pitch being taught by high level tutors and coaches. I would definitely say the football side of the course was the most enjoyable, we played and trained almost every day and I would 100% say I am ten times the player now than what I was before I started this course. I can’t thank the coaches enough!”
The pathway within the NPLFA that Cameron has taken since leaving school is one that he would advise other students to grasp. “I would definitely recommend this course to anyone who would like a future within Sport, whether that’s playing at a high or lower standard, coaching or anything else that people may want to explore”
Everyone at the NPLFA would like to wish Cameron the very best of luck at the University of South Wales and we look forward to catching up with him on his first year of university in 2018.