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Congratulations to the following northern students who have been nominated by their tutor for the ‘student of the half term’. The hard work of our students during the previous six weeks has been noted and we are immensely proud of everything they have achieved so far this year.

ESPFA LANCASHIRE (Skelmersdale United)

"JAMES CARNEY displays a fantastic attitude towards all aspects of college, constantly striving to achieve his best with the work he produces and challenging himself to improve with each assignment. James has recently improved upon his grades, now achieving distinctions on a consistent basis and is focused to progress onto university."

- Kierran Kinsella


"Since the start of the term DAINTON BOWERS has shown a great attitude towards his work. Dainton has made sure that all assignments are submitted on time and that he has given his all in each and every one. The change in Dainton's work ethic has massively improved since the start of the year and this is something that I hope he maintains throughout the remaining weeks and into his second year at the ESPFA. Well done and keep up the good work!

- Charlie Harvey


"I continue to be impressed by AHMAD ALI's work ethic, each assignment is well-thought out and i can see the effort which has gone into the work. Every assignment is submitted on time and to an excellent standard. His attendance and punctuality is also excellent which shows his commitment and dedication to the course. Well Done Ahmad, you have been a pleasure to teach."

- Laura Moss

ESPFA CHESHIRE (Runcorn Linnets)

"RYAN MCALPINE is a mature student who is dedicated to his studies. The standard of work he produces has improved considerably since the beginning of the year and Ryan is constantly applying the feedback he is given to make improvements. Ryan has made great improvements to both his attendance and punctuality and will have no problem progressing as he wishes from college come the summer."

- Kierran Kinsella


"JACK THOMPSON is coming towards the end of his second year at the ESPFA and has shown a tremendous attitude throughout the year. Jack has become a real leader on and off the pitch giving his all in every lesson and every assignment. Jack has matured into a fantastic student and this can be seen in and around the classroom. Jack has developed as a student massively and is a credit to teach as well as a credit to the ESPFA. Well done Jack and keep up the good work!"

- Charlie Harvey

ESPFA CHESHIRE (Witton Albion)

"ALFIE RYAN is an enthusiastic learner who is doing well on and off the pitch. He meets his deadlines, and he is producing assignments of a good standard, due to the hard work he is putting in. He will achieve his target grade for the first year of his qualification if he continues to work as he has been. During this term he has completed his work placement in the sports department at his previous high school, who have given great feedback on him, whilst he was with them. Well done Alfie, keep up the good work."

- Mark Bushell

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